This is how to add and put Sharethis floating social bar and widget using Thesis without using a plugin in WordPress. There are so many plugins that can add social networks activity to WordPress websites.
However, I don’t prefer installing one because they always update and change and they usually cause slow page loading which affects page ranking to search engines. Sometimes they also cause fatal errors causing users to modify and tweak their wp-content files.
How to Add Sharethis Floating Social Bar in WordPress
I chose Sharethis because I love the cool look of their floating social widget plus I can also track the button’s stats and performance anytime. I also use Jetpack sharing buttons at the end of my posts but they don’t give yet a floating social bar. Addthis is a bit complicated and I prefer easy and simple stuff.
In this page, I am giving a very cleaver and easy trick you won’t find anywhere else so far as I only took the risk to do it on my Thesis layout and child theme. Take note, in this trick you won’t need the following:
- No need to install Plugin
- No need to add code to mess your css file editor and custom function php
- This is a very simple way to add the Sharethis floating button/bar
By the way, in adding this floating social bar to your website, you have the option to have an analytics account to track your Sharethis Button activities. Social Analytics integrates with Google Analytics and can show a user real-time stats of who’s sharing your pages and posts, what did they use – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus and more.
Sharethis floating bar looks like the one at the left side of my post. Check it out. You can also customize your own button, choosing which button to use (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Linkedin and many more..)
Adding the Floating Social Bar in Thesis WordPress Website
- First, go to sharing tools
- In Step 1, choose Website (yeah don’t choose WordPress as it would only ask you to install the Sharethis Plugin). Proceed to Step 2.

- In Step 2, choose the Bars style like shown below.

- In Step 3, customize your buttons by selecting the services you want to include. You can also select the docking position (left or right) of the floating social widget you want to add to your website.

- Click Finish and Get the Code
You can register and sign up (recommended) for a Sharethis account to have your Analytics and see your buttons stats and activities or you can just get the code.
- Log in to your WordPress admin and add the codes.

- Open your Thesis > Site Options > Document Head > Additional Scripts and paste the code from the first box (example code see above picture)
- Open your Stats Software/Scripts and paste the code from the second box (example code see above picture)
- Save the changes and view your website now. You’re done.
So easy right? Now you can see your stats by visiting your Sharethis account anytime. Happy sharing! If you found this so helpful, share this. If you’ve got questions, leave them in the comment box.