Here’s how to fix BDO ATM Withdrawal Error. What to do when you tried to withdraw money from BDO ATM, but it did not dispense cash even though the money was debited from your bank account?
I recently experienced the same scenario. If you want to know how to fix this and how to get your money back as soon as possible, read this post.
The day after the scary earthquake, I helped my mom with grocery shopping in SM. We needed more cash, so I tried to withdraw some money at the nearest BDO ATM machine.
I used my BDO debit card and knew my current balance before withdrawing money, so I did not make a Balance Inquiry check. I inserted my card into the machine, entered my PIN code, and selected to withdraw 10,000.
BDO ATM Withdrawal Error
After a couple of seconds, the ATM slid out my card, and the screen prompted me to take my card and wait for my cash. I could hear the machine counting out my money already, but it wasn’t fast, and it sounded unusual this time.
I waited for a few more seconds, but nothing was happening. The machine kept on counting money, but no money was coming out. I waited for two more minutes, then four minutes, then five minutes. The queue of people behind me started to go longer. I told them, “sira ata ang machine.”
Fortunately, there were security guards near the ATM as it was located near the mall entrance. I asked for help and was hoping for assistance. The guard told me, “ATM might have run out of cash. Better report it to BDO.”
I did not want to leave the ATM while it was still trying to count cash. I just asked my mom to go to the BDO branch nearby to request assistance. While waiting for her, the ATM stopped the dispensing sound, and it went back for the usual available new transaction. I still stayed there waiting.
I then checked my BDO cash balance. I made a Balance Inquiry. As expected, P10,000 was debited to my bank account. I went to BDO and reported it.
What to Do When BDO ATM Withdrawal Did Not Dispense Cash?
- Do not panic
- Make a Balance Inquiry
- Keep your Receipt as a Reference
- Call BDO Hotline at 631-8000
- Report the Error
- Wait for one business day
How to Fix BDO ATM Withdrawal Error (Quick Resolution)
How to fix BDO ATM withdrawal error? I went to the BDO branch right after the incident when I tried to withdraw money from a BDO ATM, but no cash was released even though it was deducted from my account balance.
As usual, there were many people in the BDO branch. The kind BDO staff told me I needed to call the BDO hotline and report what happened. The BDO branch is also required to make a report of the incident. I waited another time while the phone line was busy.
I decided to make the call at home instead. We wanted to go home sooner because of the possible earthquake aftershocks.
I called the BDO hotline at home and reported the incident. The nice guy on the line told me it would take around five working days before the money would be credited back to my account. I asked him how should I know when it’s credited back. He told me BDO would text me or email me, so my mobile number must be updated.
I told the BDO staff on the phone that my mobile number and email address were already updated. I also asked if there was anything or any action I needed to do aside from calling BDO. He told me that there was nothing I needed to do more except to wait.
BDO ATM Withdrawal Error Fast Fix
I was sure they would return my money because every bank transaction needs to be in balance. The debits and the credits need to reconcile.
Thank God, I did not need to wait for five workings days. BDO returned my 10,000 to my account the next day. So yeah, it only took 24 hours after I called them. I received this text message from BDO (screenshot below).