How to Get NBI Clearance Online 2024 – UPDATED Application. Now we can apply and renew NBI clearance online with a few minutes of completing and following the procedures and requirements in this page. I personally prefer this online process because it’s way better and faster.
What is NBI Clearance?
NBI Clearance is a certificate issued by the National Bureau of Investigation for citizens of the Philippines as a proof that they are clear from any criminal record, background, or illegal case filed against them.
NBI Clearance Online Application
The National Bureau of Investigation has simplified the process of NBI Clearance application for both getting new and renewal of the certificates. That being said, wherever you are located, Manila, Baguio, Davao City, Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, Makati, Pampanga or abroad, you can apply for NBI Clearance online.
The application will only take a few minutes to complete. It is very convenient compared to the former NBI clearance personal registration process. Whether your purpose in getting NBI clearance is for job abroad, local job employment, visa application, red ribbon documentation, verification or any other purpose, the online system is always a preferred service.
NBI Clearance Requirements in 2024:
- Valid Email Address
- Any NBI Clearance with NBI ID Number
- Application Fee P130 per certificate
- Valid ID
Prepare the complete requirements listed above before signing up when you apply for clearance online. It will help you to finish the online process fast and smooth. Make sure you have a decent internet connection.
For the valid ID, NBI currently accepts the following government issued IDs:
- Philhealth
- Voter’s ID or Certificate of Registration
- Pagibig ID (not the Loyalty Card)
- Postal ID
- Certification from the Local Civil Registrar
- Certification from Malacanang in connection with Indigenous
- Solo Parent ID
- Company ID
- Police clearance issued by Police Station where applicant is residing
- Seaman’s Book and SIRV
- School ID together with current Registration Card
- Senior Citizen ID
You should bring any of the valid identification cards mentioned above upon claiming your NBI Clearance at your chosen date of picking it up. I suggest you bring 2 valid IDs so that you have extra supporting document in case of need or in case the bureau would demand one.
How to Get NBI Clearance Online (Application Guide with Pictures)
1. Register at the clearance website
Visit the official website of the National Bureau of Investigation and sign up if it’s you’re first time using the platform. Otherwise, sign in if you have an existing account already.
2. Select if NEW or RENEW
Check the box corresponding to your choice “Do you have an old NBI Clearance issued from 2014 to present?” Select if Yes or No.
3. Enter your Personal Info
Provide your correct Name and Surname, mobile number, birth date and enter your old NBI ID Number (this option is only for renewal purpose). If you are getting a new clearance, skip this part. Double check all the details you have entered before proceeding at the next steps in applying for NBI clearance certificate.
Where to find the old NBI ID number?
You can find it at the upper left corner of your NBI clearance. See screenshot below as a demonstration.
4. Apply for Clearance
Once you are one hundred percent sure your details are correct, select the APPLY FOR CLEARANCE box at the upper right corner of the window.
5. Select appointment date
You need to select a date and time, AM or PM, for your NBI clearance appointment. This is the date when your certificate will be issued to you.
6. Choose a Location
Choose your pick-up location or NBI branch where you wish to claim your NBI certificate. You need to attend to the specific date and time you have chosen above.
7. Select Payment option
Choose your payment option. You can pay through any bank over the counter, online banking, 7-eleven, Bayad Center outlets, Bayad Center Mobile and ECPay.
8. Pay the application fee
Pay the clearance application fee P130 per certificate. An additional of P25 will be added for the e-payment services. You will be receiving a confirmation of payment and reference number after successful payment. Keep those stuff when you claim your clearance. A screenshot on your phone is accepted. Sample of my screenshot is found below.
9. Pick Up your NBI Certificate
Attend to your appointment and bring a copy or screenshot of your reference number and appointment details. I screenshot mine on my mobile phone. Check your document before leaving the center. Well done!