UMID a.k.a. Unified Multi-purpose ID is the single ID card for all SSS, GSIS, Pagibig and Philhealth members so it is important to have one. How to get and apply for UMID card? It is simple and very easy. You cannot get or apply UMID online in the moment as you need to do it personally. The procedures and requirements are discussed in this page. By the way, UMID is free; you don’t need to pay any fee for the issuance.
Why you should get UMID Card?
- To transact easily in government offices and agencies –SSS, GSIS, Pagibig and Philhealth
- It is considered as a valid ID and an acceptable ID – remember how we need a valid ID in everything we do every day? Even domestic aiports and banks accept this ID
- It’s a pretty cool pass – one tap on it at the GSIS Gwaps/Kiosk, you can apply for a loan, cash advance or view your account, you can use it on your SSS transactions, Pagibig and Philhealth too.
Where you should get and apply for your UMID Card?
- If you are a government employee, go to the GSIS Enrolment Center
- If you are a private employee or self-employed or OFW – you might be an SSS member so go to the SSS branch near you
- If you are both SSS and GSIS member, go to the GSIS so that your UMID that will have the banking facility feature of the eCard Plus.
Steps and Procedures in getting UMID Card
How to get UMID Card in SSS
Because SSS is the core of this Unified ID system, I am sharing the steps in getting this ID in SSS first. The requirements are:
- Application Form
- 2 Valid IDs (photocopy and original)
I suggest you download the application form online so you can already fill it out at home and you won’t miss any information you need like your SSS Number etc. Active members can surely process their application anytime at working hours and days.
Procedures in Getting UMID Card in SSS
Bring your application form at the SSS office together with your valid IDs. They will get the photocopies of your IDs. They will verify you if you are an active member and if you are eligible to UMID right then. Once you’ve been verified OK, they will capture your photo, signature and scan your fingerprints. They will give your UMID application slip which bears the date when you’ll receive it. They will deliver it via mail. The release of this card is faster now. It took me two weeks when I received mine. 🙂
Benefits of having UMID SSS Card:
You can used this card in the SSS Kiosk to view your SSS profile and account you can view your Employee Static Info, premiums, history, loans and balance inquiry.
How to get UMID Card in GSIS
All GSIS members and pensioners are required to have UMID card even if they already have the famous eCard Plus. GSIS has Enrollment Centers servicing UMID enrollment and application. If there is a GSIS Regional Office near you, apparently, you can also apply there anytime during working hours. The requirements are:
- Enrollment Form (download it online here at the following link below). Note that there is an enrolment form for UMID application with ecard plus and without ecard plus. GSIS UMID New Enrolee. GSIS UMID Enrolment Form for those with eCard Plus
- eCard Plus or 2 valid IDs
Procedure in Getting UMID Card in GSIS
Present the documents above and have your account/ records verified by the GSIS staff. Have your photo and signature captured and your fingerprints scanned. They will send your UMID card via mail if you are a pensioner or it will be delivered to you by your Agency Liaison Officer if you are a member.
UMID Card Activation:
You need to activate your UMID or else it’s useless. Your UMID will be activated within 72 hours from the time that you have successfully validated your fingerprints at the GSIS GW@ps Kiosk. Activation is done by placing your UMID Card on the ecard reader and your fingerprint on the biometric scanner. You’ll see a Confirmation Message saying your card is now active. If you don’t know how or failed to do the activation process, you can always ask GSIS staff to assist you. They are very helpful.
So easy right? Have you gotten your UMID card already? Share your thoughts and questions by commenting.