Kapurpurawan Rock Formation Ilocos Norte Philippines | Amazing Rock and Beach

One of the most fascinating and stunning wonders of the Philippines I ever saw was the Kapurpurawan Rock formation in Burgos, Ilocos Norte. We went there after we visited the famous Cape Bojeador Lighthouse.

In this page, I’ve included some photos taken from our travel in Ilocos and specifically in this beautiful place, how to go there and how much would it cost.

Kapurpurawan Rock Formation nestles along the popular Kapurpurawan beach (called by locals) but really the spot is along the Bangui Bay.

Seeing this nature’s wonder, I asked ‘Manong’ our tour guide what is meant by the term ‘kapurpurawan’. He told me it is an Ilocano word which means white. And the magical rock is indeed white.

kapurpurawan ilocos

Reminds me of a huge ivory that looks like a boat at the top of that spot. How nature and years and years of forces of the water, current and waves formed that amazing rock.

Actually the rocky coast of that beach is totally beautiful. Every part of it tells different story and speaks magical history of the place and time from then and till now.

kapurpurawan rock formation ilocos norte philippines
Me at the Kapurpurawan Rock

How to go to Kapurpurawan Rock Formation?

Just drive along the main highway of Pan Philippine Highway in Burgos Ilocos Norte, once you reach Bangui and Cape Bojeador, it’s easy already. If you’ve been to the famous Bangui Wind Mills, wow you’re minutes away from this landmark. See map below.

Kapurpurawan Rock Formation History

It is located in the town of Burgos which was named after the martyred priest Jose Burgoz (one of the priests from Gomburza). This wonderful rock formation became a favorite tourists spot in the Philippines, and a pride of Ilocos Norte.

From the early times, people could take pictures and come closer near the exact rock but some people leave marks and vandalism all over the place so they restricted that part to tourists now. Fortunately, there’s still allowed area for tourists and foreigners.

How much is the entrance fee?

It’s free to go here and take pictures by the way. Yay!

ilocos norte philippines
kapurpurawan rock philippines

Other activities include horseback riding and mountain climbing. I suggest you bring shades and sarong to cover your skin from the sun because it’s effing hot and sunny! Plus bring Gatorade or water with you. Better, bring an umbrella.

There are lots of places to see in Ilocos. See them all here by browsing at the Travel page.

Fehl is the founder of Philpad and has been writing online for 12 years. She has a bachelor's degree in Accountancy and a background in Finance. She is a licensed Career Service Professional and author of a poetry book at Barnes & Noble. In her spare time, she likes to travel and discover new places.

1 thought on “Kapurpurawan Rock Formation Ilocos Norte Philippines | Amazing Rock and Beach”

  1. How much will it cost to do all the tour or is it cheaper to do it on your own? Do u have any idea? Thanks!


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