Released today, the best stock brokers in the Philippines are listed here. They are the top online stock trading brokerage firms chosen by many investors in the country and worldwide who invest in the Philippine Stock Exchange.
As of April 2024, the total number of accredited brokers in the Philippine Stock Exchange are 122 but we have listed here the crème of the crop in terms of online trading platform. They are 36 online brokers at present.
Because we are in the modern world of internet and the web, it is very important we adopt this new fast technology offered by the online realm.
List of Online Stock Brokers in the Philippines in 2024
- A & A Securities, Inc.
- AAA Equities, Inc.
- AB Capital Securities, Inc.
- Abacus Securities Corp. (MyTrade)
- Alpha Securities Corp. (AlphaSec)
- AP Securities, Inc.
- BA Securities, Inc.
- BDO Securities
- BPI Securities Corp. (BPITrade)
- China Bank Securities Corp. (Chinabank Sec)
- Coherco Securities, Inc. (CohercoTrade)
- COL Financial Group, Inc.
- DA Market Securities, Inc. (iTrade)
- Eagle Equities, Inc.
- Eastern Securities Development Corp.
- First Metro Securities Brokerage Corp. (First Metro Sec)
- F. Yap Securities, Inc. (2TradeAsia)
- Globalinks Securities & Stocks, Inc. (GTrade)
- HDI Securities, Inc.
- Investors Securities, Inc. (Investors Online)
- JAKA Securities Corp.
- Landbank Securities, Inc.
- Lucky Securities, Inc.
- Luna Securities, Inc.
- Maybank Kim Eng (Maybank Trade)
- Meridian Securities, Inc. (MSiTrade)
- Mercantile Securities
- Optimum Securities Corp. (Optimum Online)
- Philstocks Financial, Inc. (Philstocks)
- RCBC Securities, Inc. (RCBC ezTrade)
- Regina Capital Development Corp.
- Timson Securities, Inc. (Timson Trade)
- Triton Securities Corp.
- Unicapital Securities, Inc. (uTrade)
- VC Securities Corp. (VC Trade)
- Wealth Securities Inc. (WealthSec)
All of these online stock brokers platforms are very safe and secure so investors don’t have to worry. They all use SSL and TSL Certificate used by major banks as well. They are all very reliable. Investors’ accounts are very well protected.
Most online brokers listed here charge the same commission of 0.25% on the total gross sales and purchase of shares of stock. The same fees are applied by each broker such as VAT of 12%, transaction fee of 0.005% and SCCP fee of 0.01%.
Some brokers provide mobile apps since we now use iOS and Android devices everywhere and every now and then. Besides, all businesses have apps nowadays unless they want to be left behind.
What does it say about the stock broker company? If a broker has available app for their online trading platform, they are ahead in the game. Accessibility is always important.
Top 5 Best Stock Brokers in the Philippines:
1. First Metro Sec Pro
The best stock broker in the Philippines right now which is generating great reviews is First Metro Sec (by Metrobank group). The upgraded version of First Metro Sec called First Metro Pro is the most advanced online trading platform in the Philippines.

I’m actually very impressed with its excellent features. First Metro Sec also offer Mutual Funds on their platform. There is no initial fund needed to open an account if you are a Metrobank client for the starter version of First Metro Sec.
2. COL Financial
COL Financial is this year’s top 2 online stock broker right now for its easy and user-friendly platform. COL Financial also offers mutual funds together with stocks, and REITs. Its former name was Citisec Online.
3. BDO Securities (former BDO Nomura)
BDO Securities is on the third spot of best stock brokers in the Philippines. What we like about BDO Securities is that you won’t need an initial fund to open an account if you’re a BDO account holder. BDO is known for their amazing market research and updates both for traders for like technical analysis and fundamental analysis.
4. BPI Trade
Another great online trading platform is BPITrade. Same with BDO, you don’t have to deposit money when you open an account if you already have a BPI bank account. This platform has been trading stocks for many years now.
5. Philstocks
Philstocks is another user-friendly interface in trading and investing stocks online. Grab a demo and you’ll know what I’m talking about. Loved by beginners and starters, Philstocks trading platform sure deserves to be on the top.
Top 10 Stock Brokers in the Philippines in Terms of Trades
as of April 3, 2024 (source PSE)
- Regis Partners, Inc.
- COL Financial Group
- CLSA Philippines
- Macquarie Capital Securities (Philippines)
- Maybank ATR KIM ENG Securities
- Mandarin Securities Corp.
- UBS Securities Philippines
- First Metro Securities Brokerage Corp.
- F. Yap Securities, Inc.
- Philippine Equity Partners, Inc.
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Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes only and should be taken as a trading advice. All investments have risks.