Civil Service Exam Results October 2014 PPT

The Career Service Exam this October 2014 result will be released few days after the exam day and as promised we are sharing the complete list in this page. CSC Exams for Sub-professional and Professional levels were successful and gave new career service eligibles. Are you one of them? Check your name below:


The official results from the CSC. I made the complete PDF for the Professional and Sub-professional CSC Exam Passers last October 26, 2014. See them below. You can also download the whole document. CONGRATS!!!

Scroll the PDF and see your name. Or press CTRL + F and type your surname or name to see it easily.

Civil Service Exam Result October 2014 – Professional Level

will be posted soon…

Civil Service Exam Result October 2014 Sub-professional Level

Scroll the PDF and see your name. Or press CTRL + F and type your surname or name to see it easily.

will be posted soon…

The examination was held October 26, 2014 and it was Paper and Pencil Test. There were lots of registered examinees.

What’s next for the new CSC Eligibles?

civil service exam result october 2013
CC BY Andrew Taylor Flickr

If you are among the successful examinees who passed the recently PPT Career Service Exam, the next step you have to do is claim your Certificate of Eligibility. How to claim it? Just go to the Civil Service Commission Regional office where you have applied for exam and bring the valid IDs and the letter that they mailed to you containing the great news (if any), or your application receipt at the time of filing. Bring the 2 identical photos the same as the one you pasted on the Picture Seat Plan during the exam. One photo will be pasted on your CoE, and the other one will be used for the Database of Qualified Eligibles.

What if you didn’t pass the exam?

Oh no worries. If you are among those examinees who unfortunately failed the exam and received the required grade and rating of 80%, you can still re-take the exam on the next scheduled one. Take this experience as a perfect lesson. At least now, you learned the ideas and scope of the whole exam. It will be easier for you next time. You can review again and this time, pluck up the courage to believe in yourself and you can do it. Review seriously and don’t take time for granted.

And don’t forget our tips on “How to Pass the Civil Service Exam in One Take” in case you missed it.

Share your feelings about the last CSC Exam by commenting. God bless!

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Fehl is the founder of Philpad and has been writing online for 12 years. She has a bachelor's degree in Accountancy and a background in Finance. She is a licensed Career Service Professional and author of a poetry book at Barnes & Noble. In her spare time, she likes to travel and discover new places.

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