How to Make Money Online in the Philippines for Free

Latest ways on how to make money online in the Philippines for free this 2020, without paying a thing, without a boss near you and without going to work. This is real, legit and proven coz I’ve been doing some of these methods and ways for 6 years now and I’ve been earning decent income, actually, 3 times more than my regular job salary before.

I decided to share the ways here as a gift for my loyal readers here at Philpad. Actually, these ways are considered secrets by many online marketers that they only share them thru their paid digital books, pdfs, and membership-only-sites. But because sharing is a blessing, I’m here to share amazing stuff with my subscribers.

How to Make Money Online in the Philippines Legit Way

Before I start to spill the beans, please make sure you read every word in this article because you don’t want to miss a single idea, thought, and concept. It will make you understand more the total package/gift I am sharing with you.

This is totally free and this post may be a million dollar info so your total attention is needed not your mere excitement. If you skipped a sentence, a word or a paragraph here, sorry to say that this gift might not work for you because it clearly means, you need more patience honey. Patience is one of the keys to success online.

Why earn money online?

how to make money online in the philippines for free
CC BY Abode of Chaos Flickr Photostream

Because online gives you the whole world as your market and audience. Like I always say, the internet offers unlimited opportunities. So if you have unlimited ideas and resources, you’ll have a big outcome. The truth is the internet is the reason why you’re here in the first place. 🙂

Imagine being a partner and affiliate of big companies like:

  • Yahoo
  • Microsoft – Bing
  • Google
  • Amazon
  • eBay
how to earn money online
CC BY SA Mendhak Flickr Photostream

Well then, don’t just imagine. Make it happen. 🙂 Those are just few of the companies I will talk about here. You can earn money online by being a partner of these big and well-known international companies. But how can you do that? How can you get approved? That’s why this post-series is created. Yes, this is just the first post of this step-by-step series about Earning Money Online Blogging in the Philippines. So you must not miss any single post to know every tip and secret of successful online marketers and bloggers. SUBSCRIBE to never be left out.

I’m gonna start with the easiest and fastest way to earn money online from my experience. As a beginner, it’s cool to start from small beginnings. Like having a free Blog Site using free blogging platforms like Weebly, WordPress and Blogger. As you go along, you’ll learn the ways including SEO a.k.a. Search Engine Optimization, Social Media presence and affiliate marketing and eventually, starting your very first professional website.

How to Make Money Online without Investment of Money

As I said, we start from small beginnings – have a blog site and blog regularly. When I say blog, it means you write or post about whatever you enjoy in life – like your hobby or whatever you are passionate about. Just make sure they are originally written by you. Are you passionate about creative writings and poetry? Then start your blog site and post some content about that. Do you love photography, then share your photos and artworks and tell the world about them.

Maybe you love gadgets? Blog about them and tell the world about their features, apps and tips in using them. Are you a Fashionista? Post your original wardrobe styles. Do you love cooking? Share your homemade recipes. Are you a Mathematician? Then blog about your tips about Math. Are you an engineer? Then blog about engineering. There are so many to blog about but it is always best to follow your heart and soul’s desire because then you would always have more posts coming each day.

Remember to post only your original creations and don’t copy other’s stuff as you would be disapproved or get in trouble.

How to Make Money Online in 2020

  • Earn money in Lazada – this is one of the top online shopping portals in the Philippines so it’s very rewarding to be a partner. They accept publishers. Once you were approved, you can display their ads/products online in your blog site. You’ll earn money thru commissions – when someone bought a gadget for example using the link from your website.
  • Earn money in Nuffnang – one of the favorites of bloggers not only in the Philippines but also Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, UK, Australia, and Hong Kong. Open an account in Nuffnang and add your blog site. Start earning money thru their ad campaigns.
  • Hubpages – I personally use Hubpages even now. I learned so much about publishing online here. It’s a great community of writers. You don’t need your own website here. Just publish high-quality original English article, and you’re in. You are required to join their Ad Program though in order to earn money. Great thing about it is you earn DOLLARS.

Earn Money by Working Online from Home in the Philippines

  • GrayScale – their salary ranges from P5000 – P25000 per month. You hold your time, you know your capacity and ability to write. They also give wage increase incentives.
  • Odesk – whatever career you’re into, you can surely find positions and jobs online here. The more projects you accept, the more employers would find you. It is the arena of freelancers.
  • OutDesk – for call center agents and virtual assistant wannabe, this site is for you. Salary ranges from USD $500-800. Convert it to pesos and it will surely make you smile.
how to make money online for free

That is just the tip of an iceberg. It’s just the beginning of your online career. What’s next? It’s gonna make you big time because I will tackle how to be a partner of the big companies mentioned at the first part of the article. Earn dollars and passive income consistently for a long period of time. I will share how to make a website and what to post and what not, how to make your post go viral and trending.

The aim of this post is to make you a successful blogger like I am now. If you want to join me in this pitch, SUBSCRIBE NOW to receive the next posts about this series.

Who am I anyway? And why should you follow my free tips on this series of posts?

  • I am humbly one of the most visited sub-domains in for 4 years.
  • I created some websites in the middle of 2012 and they are now among  the most visited websites in the Philippines.
  • There are more successful bloggers out there than me, but unlike me they don’t share their secrets and tips for free. 🙂

More Money Tips:

Fehl is the founder of Philpad and has been writing online for 12 years. She has a bachelor's degree in Accountancy and a background in Finance. She is a licensed Career Service Professional and author of a poetry book at Barnes & Noble. In her spare time, she likes to travel and discover new places.

164 thoughts on “How to Make Money Online in the Philippines for Free”

  1. I was just starting to create a career online, came across to your blog. You got a lot of amazing content. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I’m look’n job opportunity through online. I’m not too English spoken, my grammar mistakes sometime and also i can’t speak correct pronunciation, in online teaching have more plenty income to earn. If i like to invest to have passive in free investing site, what solution to start a newbies like me to earn small, fast and convenient without spent a peny except your internet connection, time and effort?

  3. Hi! I’m a retired senior citizen and would like to earn from home. I am not familiar with blogging but I want to try your way. How do I begin? Please help me through in this system. Thanks and looking forward to your kind reply.

  4. I like your blog.. I agree with you.. I just want to share my experience based on making money online. I’ m a full time mother and housewife but I’m teaching English online on the side. I’ve been teaching English online since 2015. I earn monthly around 2,000 USD to 2,500 USD for 4 to 5 hours a day. My hourly rate is 25 USD.

    I’m sharing it to you all my kababayan just for you to know that teaching online is the best and easiest way to earn huge money.

  5. Hi Fehl, very nice and informative article you have here. Keep it up.!!! Will keep reading your blogs and visit your site often. We have the same motive and that is to help our fellow kababayan. My target audience are the people living in the Philippines that are struggling to get a decent job in the Philippines those are planning to go abroad and will include those in BPO industry as I myself been with BPO and it’s really hard. Earnings from this BPO companies are promising but still you will be in the rat race track as everything you do is work hard, spend then work hard again. I want to help them and help myself too to become dependent. I am no expert or guru like you 🙂 “you said that on this article” but the fact that our intentions are clean then it does not matter if you are expert or not. I am working on my first blog and will launch it as soon as I have gathered enough knowledge to share it to our fellow kababayan and hopefully it’ll help even just a little.

  6. hellow, i’ve just landed here for reasons,and i’ve just read it..thanks for the info.. but how can i be a member.. i am college students and my m0ther got hard time just to finish my studies, i want to help myself and my m0ther, as well .. can u give me s0me tips how can i earn m0ney while studying, thanks.. reply is highly appreciated

  7. Informative blog you have here. I also write for hubpages but now, I am trying to focus on working on my own blog that’s why I landed on your post.

    I have a question on nuffnang – I registered and I have added two of my blogs. I copied the code and pasted it on my blogs. How do I know if I did the procedures correctly? As of now, I still can’t see ads yet.

    Thank you.

  8. I agree that there’s money in freelancing but still you have a boss and only differ in terms of workplace that’s why I choose affiliate marketing as the best.

  9. Hello Fehl.
    Thanks for the info.
    I just want to ask the payment? How can I be paid through what bank account or any other type of payments? Do you have any guide?
    And regarding the rules,terms and condition? Is there any critical/important condition you need to read carefully?
    Thank you.

  10. if you are good at something, let’s just say you’re good in photoshop, you can create a video tutorials and create a membership site for it and offer monthly, yearly or permanent access to your membership site and make money from it even if you are asleep or while on vacation. Is that possible? yes, if you have setup an automated payment system on your site.

  11. i am a student ..but i want to earn money not for my self but for my family.. i want to learn more.. i dont want to stay to my limit.. i want to help and inspired


  13. This is a cool article 🙂 I am also working at home and making money online 🙂 This will lead as an inspiration for many pinoys out here 🙂 by the way i did share this article on my facebook 🙂 For others out here that is also interested to make money online I put up a blog that teaches affiliate marketing you guys can visit it at My Financial Secret

    • hello Paolo, Good day to you, i want to earn also same to you, but i don’t know how to start. please help me. thanks in advance sir.

    • good morning Paolo ..earning online is very interesting .now how can I start to earn please advise me, how to start earning online..thank you and God bless!!

  14. Hi, I just recently registered to some of the options you stated. I would just want to know how I could join the Ad Program at Hubpages, because I’ve been pretty looking for an Ad Program but I can’t find it. Thank you and God Bless.

  15. I wanna try this but my biggest problem is I don’t know how to create my own blog. Don’t know how to use and manage it. I currently working but I have so much free time. Reading your write up in this blog, capture my attention. Well I guess this is a good opportunity. Hope you can help me

  16. Really helpful! Thank you, I am now accepting the challenge this 2016, I do really need help and work on my writing, more power to you Fehl!!!!!

    • Hi! Read this and it really interesting and helpful. I’m 19 years old and still studying. I need extra income to finish my studies and need to support my brother’s needs. can you teach me how? Thank you in advance I really appreciate it. 🙂

  17. Wow! this blog took my heart! Can a teenager like me earn money online? I’m only 17 years old and I need extra income to help out my mom. please reply ms Fhel

      • im a 16 years old how can i earn money here cause i really need to support myself.i want to be independent.could pls someone teach me.i’ll be so thankful and i will really appreaciate your help

        • also my father do need medicine cause he is a diabetic and he is stroke.this past few days we’re running out of money so i ‘m desperately need money

          • I am currently a unemployed and i as a young mom i would love to have some part-time jobs such as whats listed above, i hope to get some advice and help how to earn extra money for my baby

      • Hi I love what i read but I have a question this blogging is very new to me and need more help on how to use it because I am an old fart and I do know a little about using a computer but not a lot but I am a Canadian living and trying to make a living here in the Philippines but it is hard without a visa but that is not the point what I am asking you is my life has been a very interesting life and I would love to tell it I have some very funny stories and some really wild tales to tell you think I could get paid for blogging it or not because when I tell the stories people do laugh a lot your help is needed thank you Chris

  18. Hi thank you for sharing, I have my own blog and I just use it for nothing, but I realized my blog is boring, I want to have a nice blog, and I want it to be my part-time job, hope you can help me how to start on blog thank you 🙂

  19. Thank you for sharing these tips. Being an online freelancer has great benefits, you can choose which project/ client you want to work with and you can work at home.

    • Hi i’m interested in freelancers. can you give me some of the sites that is offering part time jobs. i need some extra income for our daily needs. I hope that you will help me. And if you have some projects kindly email me. thank you.

  20. hi! such a very nice job for u fehl. i have learned a lot with your post. i am one of the aspiring blogger wannbies and im really looking forward to have my own blogsite soon. can you help me start my own blog? i dont really have any idea how to do it. thanks
    CHEERS! 🙂

  21. Hi there fehl..! I was looking for an extra income when i saw your site.I am a single parent and a full time employee but my wage is not enough for our needs. Im so greatful that there is someone willing to share her knowledge. Im willing to try online jobs yet i dont know where to and how to begin. Thank you for the gift of knowledge and Godbless >medj<

  22. Hi Fehl Im glad I came accross your blog.. I also would like to try my hand on online writing… I’ve tried once before but the income is low because they only pay 1$ an article… Is there any online job wherein you would write communications for a client… I hope you could help me… Thanks.. Sami

  23. Hello Fehl!
    Thanks for sharing to us your experiences on blogging. I want to know more about blogging and how to earn money online.

  24. Hi there, Fehl, it’s very nice to read your blog. Four years ka na sa industry, siguro ang yaman mu na.. He-he. Earning money online is indeed a great option without requiring you to build a physical business. With the hassles of registering, doing this and that, I find it tiring to do, reason I build my own online business.Please check my site Affiliate Marketing Hub. We offer reviews about affiliate training programs online. This is for someone who plans to earn money online through affiliate marketing programs.

  25. Making money online is not that easy as others claimed to be, but i still believe that we can earn a decent money online as long as we do it right.

  26. hi everyone, things in life aren’t that easy so we must struggle to achieve our goals…just like earning money, requires lot of time, effort and knowledge.. and i really appreciate the bloggers they do things in a legi ways…thats why i am so excited to do this too. thnks and god bless

  27. hi to all blogers good ev. this jek 45 iwant to share my amizing talent but idont no how to begin pls help me to show my talent……. thanks

  28. Hi Fehl,

    Thanks for the informative article. Just like to ask if you have tried to build a small niche blog which is being monetized by affiliate program? If yes, how they gonna pay you, through check or PayPal?



  29. Hi! I just read your article. It was really inspiring and informative. I’ve been thinking of blogging of quite sometime now. Both of my brothers are working in a home-based job and I got somewhat interested in it too but their type of job was not to my liking. One of my brothers suggested that I become a online writer since I have ample experience with writing since I was a member for our school paper and I also write some fiction stories too! I’m currently a volunteer for a NGO and I’m thinking of sharing my experiences through blogging. Do you think that this is an okay topic for blogging? I also want others to be aware of our organization’s work.

    Thank you for your tips!

    • Anything that you are passionate about is cool with blogging. The start is always the hardest and most challenging.

  30. Hi Fehl,

    I left a comment here a couple days ago .. you e3ven responded to it … but now I can’t find it.

    Anyway, for sure our sites can be friends. Us too if you want to 😉

    Anyone reading this is always more than welcome at

    I have helped many and I am always willing to help .. this is my country too, been here more thna 8 years now and planning to stay forever.

    Some might be interested in why an American chooses to live in the Philippines? I’ll share my secret:

    There is a LOT more opportunity to earn here in the Philippines than in the US and life here is a LOT easier too. Surprised, anyone? Well it’s how I feel anywy. God speed everyone.

    • Hi Dave. Yeah, I already responded. Thank you. maybe it’s the cache thing that is why you can’t see my reply yet. My default cache refreshed every 2 weeks. Sorry about that.

      I agree with you that there is a lot opportunities here. 🙂

  31. Great to find this blog, Fehl. I’ve subscribed and I am going to read it regularly. I admire your work. I’m an American, been living in the Philippines for more than 8 years now, and I have made money every year by writing about living in the Philippines. But I don’t make a dime “from” the Philippines.

    I make money from the huge number of people all over the world (including OFW’ migrant Filipinos and Balikbayans who are so eager to learn more about the Philippines.

    Wouldn’t you think a Filipino would be better suited to writing what people want to know about the Philippines, rather than an “old Kano” who can hardly form a sentence in Tagalog?

    Why is this so? In my opinion it is because so many of my Filipino family and friends somehow think they are “Only Filipino” and feel they should only be talking to other Filipinos.

    Nothing could be farther from the truth. Put your knowledge and talents to work, folks. Everyone reading this should know that you are every bit as worthy as any other person in the world. Write like you believed this statement, because it’s true.

    Looking through all the comments I see a lot of people commenting on how successful bloggers won’t share their secrets. Well frankly, I don’t find this to be true, but anyway, for myself, I am happy to share.

    There really aren’t any “secrets”, but here’s one “sort of secret” I’ll share. Live in the Philippines but make your money from the rest of the world. It certianly works for me.

    Expand your horizons … think of the world as your barkada … because in many ways, it is. Godspeed.

    • Hi, Dave. Kudos! I’m sure many people especially US friends would benefit from the info you share on your site because you write from your experiences. Can our sites be friends? 🙂 Cheers to you and more power!

    • Hi Fehl,
      A real helpful blog you have here. Thank you so much for the info. I subscribed and I am so excited to start my own online career while taking care of my kids. God bless you even more!

  32. Another way to earn income is selling stuff online. I am selling products at mybenta. I wouldn’t recommend oLX because it’s no longer free. They will charge when you want to post multiple ads and cannot pay to highlight your ads when they products are brand new. Mybenta is Filipino-owned and promises to be free forever. I usually get my sales from that site. I also have a regular job writing for a TV network, but the income from online sales is better.

    • hi. I would like to learn how to earn money online, but I don’t know where to start and how to do it right. I dont have a website or blog, I don’t even know to make websites and blog. but i’m willing to learn. I’ve tried networking but I fail because I don’t get a positive prospects and I don’t get to sell any of the products. please help me, I want to know how to earn money online. the exact procedure. thank you so much. 🙂 god bless.

  33. Hi, nice article! thanks for sharing some light on how to start a career on blogging. You just earned another subscriber! God bless! =)

  34. Hi Fehl, I’m very new at this blogging thinsI , It seems really fun but I really a little or I think no idea at all on how to earn from it. Especially here in the Philippines. Do you have any suggestions or advice for beginners on how to earn blogging? Mainly on how to get at least like five to ten visitors to visit my blog? I would really appreciate it and I really love your blog on how to make money online.

    I hope I get approved with as well

    Thank you so much and God Bless : )

    • Hi Nicole. It’s a big hard work at the start but it gets easier after that. I need to make another site for that which needs some posts for the guide.

      • Good Day Fehl. Can you teach me how you do it? Im jobless now and I do have a 2 yr old daughter. I really want to know how you do it. Please.. Thank You

  35. It’s also one of my dreams to earn extra income aside from my regular income. I’ve been working for over 10 years but everything went to my family. Sad to say i was not able to save for my self and for the future of my kids. That is why I’m starting to venture it here. Who knows! With my prayers that somebody is going to give me inputs that i need to follow in order to get started.

    Please reveal us your secrets. “It is in giving that you will receive”.

    Thanks a lot and God speed!

    • Hi Dawn – it is really simple as they say.. but it’s not that easy. You need to have clear goals and a proper foundation to have your slice of pie online.

      With proper guidance and determination… you can do it.


  36. Thank you for sharing another great idea Fehl! The first time I read your blog, it got me started to invest in stocks. And now I might consider blogging as well. Truly, you do give your readers all there is to know, no secrets! That’s why I thank you so dearly. I am about to subscribe now. Kudos! And God bless.

  37. very helpful! I really really really want to earn extra income, I’m a bread winner. Lately I’ve been thinking about blogging, I just want to try.. I love photography, cooking and travelling maybe I can share them..but the problem is I don’t know how and where to start hahaha can you help me make a blogsite? by the way, is it free? Thank you 🙂

  38. Would really like to learn how to blog, but I’m not a good writer.. is it possible? Would like to know each and every step of it and really thankful that it’s free.

  39. Hi!
    Good day, I didn’t know how to build a blog. pwede po bang mgpatoro. gusto ko kasing mgkaron ng extra income. kaso lang hindi ko alam kung pano. Please help

  40. You are right Fehl,

    We can make money by blogging. I make money from blogging but not as much as you do. But I believe soon I will be making huge income from it.

    Yes you are trully right only few bloggers reveals the so called making money secret online.

    I appreciated it very much that thousands of Filipinos will learn from this remarkable tips and how tos..

    Keep it up .. God bless


  41. Hi Fehl
    i am a call center agent for 7 years and i must say that im totally burnt out of what im doing now…can i ask u something? if im going to switch in dis kind of field…will i still have foods for d table for my family? i mean can it compensate my salary in a call center or it will take time bef i can have dis good earning?thanks in advance 🙂

    • Hi Sheila. It depends really on how you are going to dedicate your work and your time into it. I’d say don’t leave your job because building websites costs a lot too. Maybe you can spend 4 hours a day building your website and the other for your regular job.

  42. Thanks to this. I want to learn how to write as well, this website helped me sustain my writing projects writing-service-assistant, it’s cheap and very helpful, but soon I want to learn how to write myself.

  43. Thank you for this generous article. You’re generous that’s why God will bless you more.

    I hope i can follow your lead.
    God bless.

  44. Hi Fehl! I just read your article and I am so inspired to make my own website . A website where I can “share” and show what I do best, playing music. The problem is I just don’t know how to go about it. I’m so overwhelmed by technology. I just uploaded a video of a song by John Legend entitled “All of Me” and I didn’t expect it to generate 1,000 views each day. It is now on it’s 5th 1,000. I know it’s not that much but I want to link my YouTube videos to my personal website and connect it with ads maybe. I just don’t know where to start. Would you be so willing to help this poor soul? Thank you in advance and congrats in all of your endeavors! 🙂 my channel by the way is : youtube

    • I love that song by John Legend and the version of Boyce Avenue. If you’re making videos and want to be a Youtube partner, you need to apply for Youtube Partner Program first before you can earn money from your videos. You must be making videos regularly too and that your videos are all original

      • hi fhel, can you just tell how to prepare everything when u are working online because usually theirr requirments are like the paypal …etc. i have subscribed for paypal but if ever the company will put money un my paypal,,how can i withdrawed it. pls give me an idea. thank you.

  45. i’m very interested with thing, where do i sign up? can i really make money through blogging? i can do blogging i’ve done that a few years back, but is it really possible? can you teach me how?

  46. Im not good in it blogging always our idea to be said in english…or it is from our research in any source that we have to share or to blog. Pls..any idea for other form of online of making money through posting their site in facebook then if its being clicked then u can have a points that converted to money. Pls tell…tnx

    • There are also other ways to earn money online like being a virtual assistant, a freelance writer, graphic artist, web designer, app developer, etc. There is no easy money

  47. Hello Good Morning! Thanks for this wonderful tips, I am searching for home based job but I always ended up with networking various products. It’s been months since you share about these thing but I just red it now, just want to ask a few question can, I still do this using only a smart phone? And unfortunately I’m not fluent in speaking in english, if thats the case can I still earn money by blogging?

    • Earning money blogging is not an overnight job. It’s a very long time work. You need to build audience in order to succeed. English is the major language worldwide so you would have the most chance of being successful if your blog is in English otherwise, you have to find ways or opportunities using other languages.

  48. Thank you for sharing these wonderful tips. I have been blogging since 2007 and earned decent amount of money from it. But, I became TOO lazy creating blog posts as I ran out of topics to discuss. Plus, staying in front of the computer for a very long time gives me massive headaches and body pains.

  49. These are real & very useful tips for people who want to make money from home. Fiverr is my first choice as there is very big potential to earn money depending on your skills. Earlier I have worked as a seller & made some decent money but now because of blogging, I am not able to focus on this.

  50. Hello to all especially to the admin. Nice site and blog…. just new blogger for two months. I hope I can stay long in blogging industry. I am now earning a little via adsense… keep on the work co-bloggers.

  51. hi fhel,, I’ve been following your post for a week now and it really help me a lot.. thank u and God bless to u…

    by the way i am a writer wannabe and want to be like you soon..

    • Hi there thanks for following and reading my blogs. I’m making more about making money by blogging soon. Hope you subscribe. 🙂

  52. Hello gonna interested in learning how to make money online,hope that there is somebody willing to help me … please…thank you

    • I’m making series of posts for this in the coming days. I hope you come back or subscribe so you will receive the update once it’s here

  53. In your first time blogging in the internet and paid only a little amount for how many months, maybe it could make me crazy because I need higher income as a father of my family. Can u just tell the history in your first time blogs.

  54. Thank you for the information. I’m a newbie in making money online. I really want to learn on how to make money online. I enrolled in online course that will help me how to use internet in my network marketing business. Thanks to your blog.God Bless you.

  55. 🙂 Your welcome. I would also like to share the site I mention above, I forgot to put the URL, if you are interested in other way of earning.

    Happy earning to us! 🙂

  56. Blogging is a trend nowadays. Some do it as a “hobby” or they just want to, some do it to earn money – why not? hehe. Thanks for sharing these tips. I have tried blogging too but I just ran out of things to say, lazy me 😀

    If you have some time, please visit, here, pinoys who wants to make money online will be given an opportunity to earn too.

    • Hi there! Thank you for reading and commenting. I’ve been blogging for few years now and I’m enjoying it. I learn a lot of things. I understand about the running out of things to say… I guess it’s really about enjoyment and fun. Money will also join you on the way 🙂

  57. HI! Maam,

    I really wanted to make money online but i really dont know how
    please tell me how…am a newbie dont know how and where to blog..
    Thanks in advance.

  58. Hi Marifel,

    You are such an AMAZING woman! I am not a blogger nor a networker but reading all your articles gives me enough reason to start blogging. Thank you for sharing this to me and to others.

    Cheers and God Bless! =)

    • Hi Emcee! Thank you for the compliment. I’m glad you are encouraged to blog. My next post about this series is coming very soon. Hope to see you there. Cheers!

  59. Is it really possible?

    My goal this year Jan- dec is to EARN 1 million pesos in 1 year.

    I need your help guys, -Im a networker but not that really good,

    • Yeah it is possible 🙂 However you need to learn the ways and build a well-performing and active site. As promised, I’m sharing the ways here…starting from the beginning to hitting it big 🙂 Cheers! Happy New Year!

      • hi po im new here im a single mom 40 yrs old, gusto ko sanang i try paano kumita online at kahit dito ako sa bahay kikita ako? my internet connection is unlimited, anytime pwedi ako magwork, basic lang alam ko sa compurter but i can learn easily, can you please give me an idea or suggestions? thank you po

          • Hi mam can u help me how to earn money from home? Im stayed at home took care of my son. Can u give me site links where i can make money online. Thank u po

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