How to Become a Pilot in the Philippines?

Do you wanna be a pilot? What are the requirements? Make your dreams come true. Soar higher. Become a licensed pilot in the Philippines. A pilot job is one of the most rewarding aviation careers and professions in the world. There are different ways on how become a licensed and registered pilot in the country and I’m gonna lay out the ways in this page.

Due to insistent public demand and lots of inquiries from my Best Flight Schools in the Philippines article, I’m here to discuss the ways on how to become a pilot in the Philippines. Many are still asking me questions like, what course should I take to be a pilot? How can I become a pilot in the Philippines? Do I need a degree to be working as a pilot? And many more related questions. So here are the ways:

How to Become a Pilot in the Philippines

To become a pilot and to work as a pilot, one must have a license and certificate from the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) and pass the Aviation Training Organization (ATO) requirements to hold a certificate. Either you want to become a licensed Private Pilot or a licensed Commercial Pilot.

how to become pilot in the philippines

Private Pilot vs Commercial Pilot – What’s the Difference?

Private Pilot – if you are a licensed private pilot, you are allowed to operate and fly an aircraft for private and enjoyment purposes. You may carry passengers or rent an aircraft, a private plane but you may not be compensated for the services as a pilot. There are limitations though compared when you are a commercial pilot. In short, a private pilot cannot really work for hire.

Commercial Pilot – you can’t become a licensed commercial pilot unless you are a licensed private pilot. Once you’re a commercial pilot, you are allowed to be paid for flying an aircraft to carry cargo and passengers. You can become a flight instructor, charter pilot or cargo pilot, too. This is the start for a real career in aviation. You’ll have more potential to work in a big airline company once you have gone for Multi-Engine Ratings, other modern flight instruments and equipments and have gained longer hours of flights.

How to become a Private Pilot? What are the requirements?

To become a licensed private pilot and have all the benefits of being one, you must undergo and pass the Private Pilot Training Course also known as, PPL course which is usually up to six months. In order to have a license you must become certified as a fully-fledged Private Pilot by the ATO. The requirements for having the license are listed below. You must successfully complete and pass the general exam and actual flight exam/ checkride.

  • Minimum of 17 years of age
  • Fluent in English, oral and written
  • Hold at least a current 3rd Class Medical Certificate
  • Pass the ATO Knowledge (General) Test
  • Pass the ATO Practical Flight Test and Oral Examination (Checkride)

From the PPL training, there are also some documents required from its flight school. Usually, they are the same as those that are required from entering secondary schooling. The PPL course usually covers subjects such as theory of flight, civil air regulations, basic aircraft instrument and power plant, air traffic control and communications, basic aircraft performance, basic weight and balance, basic meteorology, aviation physiology, basic air navigation, basic radio navigation and basic flight planning.

You must also complete the required flight training time which is a minimum of 40 hours of widespread flight training which includes dual and solo instruction for basic airman-ship, cross-country navigation, and emergency procedures. This 40 hours of flight time consists of at least 20 hours of Dual flight instruction, at least 10 hours of Solo flight ( 5 hours of Solo local flight and 5 hours of Solo cross-country), and 10 hours of which can be Solo flights or Dual.

How to become a Commercial Pilot? What are the requirements?

As I mentioned, an important requirement to become a licensed commercial pilot is a private pilot certificate. Meaning, you can’t become a Commercial Pilot if you don’t have a Private Pilot license. Just like the requirements in the PPL, you must pass a general knowledge exam and actual flight exam in order to become a commercial pilot and enjoy the benefits and compensations you can have in the aviation profession.

A commercial pilot training course CPL course can prepare and help you pass the test. To sum up the requirements, here they are:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age
  • Hold a Private Pilot Certificate or meet requirements
  • Fluent in English both oral and written
  • Must hold a valid 1 st Class Medical Certificate
  • Pass the ATO Knowledge (General) Test
  • Pass the ATO Practical Flight Test and Oral Examination (Check ride)

You have to undergo a CPL course to prepare you to excel and pass the CPL requirements. It’s also usually in a period of 6 months. Flight schools cover the course to advanced subjects mentioned in the PPL training. In addition, you must complete a minimum of 150 logged hours of flight time which includes advanced commercial maneuvers and emergency procedure.

Bachelors Degree in Aviation Major in Flying

This is another option to become a licensed pilot in the Philippines. It’s a four-year-degree-course that covers aviation curriculum and covers both PPL course and CPL course. It will really prepare you to your dream aviation and pilot career.

A Bachelors Degree would be more impressive to airline companies and employers though expertise is always the most priority. There are another aviation degrees that could make you a pilot, you just have to choose what suits your major and preference.

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Fehl is the founder of Philpad and has been writing online for 12 years. She has a bachelor's degree in Accountancy and a background in Finance. She is a licensed Career Service Professional and author of a poetry book at Barnes & Noble. In her spare time, she likes to travel and discover new places.

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