How to get Police Clearance in the Philippines – Requirements, Procedure

In this post, we are sharing about how to get a Police Clearance in the Philippines, what are the requirements and how much is the processing fee. Sit back and let’s get started.

What is Police Clearance?

Police Clearance is a document issued to a person to prove and certify he or she is free and cleared from any case, liability, crime, offense, and bad record in the local town or municipality he or she is currently residing. The Police Department or PNP Station is authorized to issue this certificate to any individual under its jurisdiction.

Why do you need a Police Clearance?

Police Clearance is usually requested when you apply for a job either local or abroad or when you need to show some supporting documents in applying for an ID like passport or when a government agency or any office requires it.

Sometimes it is also being requested when an applicant’s documents are not enough in getting a postal ID or NBI clearance.

Police Clearance vs NBI Clearance:

Police Clearance simply proves someone is cleared from any bad record in the police department or PNP station and its affiliates. NBI Clearance on the other hand proves someone is cleared from any liability, case, offense, crime or bad record covered by the National Bureau of Investigation.

On the certificate of police clearance it italicizes the following quote:

“This is to certify that the person, whose name, picture, signature and right thumb print appear hereon, has passed the records verification which was conducted by this Station…”

how to get police clearance

You can get or apply for a police clearance certificate to the PNP Headquarters near you, usually at the Municipal’s Office in your town. It’s so easy and simple to get this document. And unlike NBI Clearance, there is no long lines and queue of applicants getting this document so you can surely get in within a day or in most cases just few minutes after you applied.

Requirements in Getting a Police Clearance in the Philippines:

  • Application Form (they will give you one)
  • Barangay Clearance
  • Recent Cedula (Community or Residence Tax Certificate)
  • P100

Make sure you bring the original and photocopy of the documents listed above. No need to bring pictures since they will capture your photo and signature in the PNP office. State your purpose in getting a Police Clearance.

Just apply a Police Clearance and they will give you forms you will need to fill out. Make sure your personal details are correct and consistent to avoid any problem or inconsistency. Also make sure your signature is similar to all your signatures on your IDs and other documents.

Police Clearance has also validity time and it may expire after six months or a year it has been issued. Should you need to get one again, just do the procedures mentioned above.

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Fehl is the founder of Philpad and has been writing online for 12 years. She has a bachelor's degree in Accountancy and a background in Finance. She is a licensed Career Service Professional and author of a poetry book at Barnes & Noble. In her spare time, she likes to travel and discover new places.

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