Do you want to have an official printout or download your SSS employee static information and employment history? Now, it’s so easy, and you don’t even need to go to the SSS office to have this document. As of now, SSS only issues these papers online, and the steps are here. On this page, we’ve listed the ways to get these documents quickly.
Sometimes embassies like Canada, Australia, and the like request their Filipino visa applicants to submit SSS Employee Static Information with their SSS Employment history, including the member details and actual premiums (SSS contributions).
Why do we need to submit SSS contribution records at the embassy?
Simply to show more proof of regular employment in the Philippines, financial capacity, and support a strong tie that we are coming back to the country after our visa expires.
Although SSS Employee Static Info copies are not mandatory to submit, it is helpful to know how to get this printout. No worries; it’s very straightforward to get this document.
How to Print a Copy of SSS Employee Static Information?
Step 1: Sign up or register your SSS online account
If you don’t have one yet, simply follow the steps to register your SSS Online Inquiry account and have access to other things like your SSS membership information, Actual Premiums, List of Contributions, Loan applications, and many more.

SSS will send your username and password to access your online SSS records, including the employee static information. It takes 2 to 3 days to sign up to receive the email. If you can’t see the email from SSS, try checking out your spam folders. In our experience, using Yahoo was faster but not always the case for all users.
Step 2: Log in to your MY.SSS account
Once logged in, you will see the welcome message, including your complete name, SSS Number, Member Status, and the branch handling your account.
Step 3: Select Inquiry
On the left side of the window, select the Inquiry then Member Details. Your Employee Static info will then appear in another tab. It shows a summary of your membership details including your SS Number status, CRN, your ID picture, membership type, occupation, approved monthly salary credit, latest employer ID, and some other important information.
Step 4: Print Your SSS Employee Static Information
At the upper part of the page, you will see the three-dot icon for an option to print the pafe or view a printable version. Select that to print the page. Voila, now you have a copy of your SSS static info.
The SSS Web Inquiry System displays each member’s info and other membership services. The print out is accepted by embassies like Canada. SSS doesn’t allow personal requests for these copies anymore. Perhaps, they want their members to get used to the online system. Well, it’s about time. Loan applications and printing of contributions list can also be made online already.
How to Print SSS Member Info?
Member Info includes the following: SSS Actual Premiums, Employment History, member details, SSS servicing branch, and SSS ID card. To print Actual Premiums and Contributions, select “Inquiry” in the menu and then choose “Contributions.“
How to Print SSS Employment History
Select “Employment History.” Your employer name, SSS ID number, and your reporting date and employment date will then appear on the screen. Tap the printable version at the lower part of the page and then print it. You’re done.
Disclaimer: We’re not affiliated with the SSS. This post is for information purposes only. Contact the SSS branch that handles your membership if you have a personal inquiry about your SSS account. Thanks, and God bless!
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