Civil Service Exam Schedule 2023 for Professional and Sub-professional Paper-and-Pencil Test (CSE-PPT) is now posted and will accept applications on the date of filing (below).
First batch of the exam will be on March 26, 2023 while the second batch is scheduled on August 13, 2023. See the deadline and filing of application below.

Civil Service Exam Schedule in 2023 in the Philippines
The Commission has also pointed out that acceptance of applications will be on a first-come-first-serve basis and they have quotas for every batch of applicants. That means applications may no longer be accepted even before the deadline if the target and quota of number of examinees has already reached by the CSC Regional and Field Offices.
The passing rate for the Civil Service Exam is still 80%. We recommend you read about the tips here:
How to Pass the Civil Service Exam in One Take
Civil Service Exam Free Online Reviewer
Qualifications When Applying for the Civil Service Exam in 2023:
All applicants must meet the following qualification requirements:
- Filipino citizen
- At least 18 years old on the date of filing of application of exam
- Of good moral character
- Must not have been convicted by final judgement of an offense or crime
- Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military service or dismissed for cause from any civilian position in the government
- Must not have taken the same level of Career Service Exam in less than 3 months (3 months Prohibition Period in taking the same level of exam)
Requirements When Applying for the Civil Service Exam in 2023:
- Fully accomplished Application Form (CS Form No.100)
- Application Fee of P500 for PPT (P600 for COMEX)
- 4 copies of Identical ID photos with the following specifications:
- Passport size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm or 1.8 inches x 1.4 inches)
- Colored, with white background
- Taken within 3 months prior to the date of filing your application
- Printed on good quality photo paper (photo does not peel off)
- In standard close-up shot (from shoulder level up with the head and face occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at approximately 1 inch or 2.54 cm below the chin)
- In bare face (no eyeglasses; no colored contact lens; no headdress; no bandana, or any other accessories that may cover the facial features; facial features not computer enhanced)
- Showing left and right ears
- Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
- With neutral facial expression, and both eyes open
- With handwritten (not computer-generated) name tag legibly showing signature over printed full name which includes: given name, middle initial (if any), last name, and extension name (if any)
- Original and photocopy of any valid ID (see list of acceptable ID cards below)
- Duly accomplished Certificate of Consent (attached as Annex A)
- Other additional requirements, as applicable:
- Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate issued by the PSA or the Local Civil Registry (only for applicants without date of birth in their ID cards)
- Original and photocopy of Identification Certificate issued by the Bureau of Immigration (only for applicants holding dual citizenship under R.A. 9225; and applicants recognized as citizens of the Philippines under Section 1, Article IV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

For your ID picture, we recommend you tell the photographer it’s for Civil Service Exam purpose because they know the specifications right away.
List of IDs Accepted for the Civil Service Exam in the Philippines:
- Driver’s License / Temporary Driver’s License / Student Driver’s Permit issued by the LTO
- Philippine Passport
- PRC License
- Voter’s ID Card
- BIR Tax Identification Card (ATM Type/TIN Card type with picture)
- Philhealth ID (must have the bearer’s name, clear picture, signature, and Philhealth number)
- Company ID
- School ID
- Police Clearance Certificate (with picture)
- Postal ID
- Barangay ID
- NBI Clearance
- Seaman’s Book
- HDMF Transaction ID
- Solo Parent ID
- Senior Citizen’s ID
- CSC Eligibility Card
- PhilID
How to file your application for Civil Service exam?
Go to the Civil Service Commission Regional Office or CSC Field Office near you to file for the Career Service exam. The List of CSC Offices and Branches are listed on the link below. File early and avoid the deadline.
- Civil Service Commission Offices and Branches – where you can file your application
Civil Service Exam Testing Centers
Applicants for the Career Service exam must communicate with the CSC Regional Office or CSC Field Office where they intent to take their examination. The updated lists are posted at the official website of the Civil Service Commission.
How to Check Your School Assignment for the Civil Service Exam?
The Civil Service Commission launched an online platform to assist and serve applicants of the Civil Service exam for the places where they will take their examination. Applicants can check their school assignments through the Online Notice of School Assignment (ONSA) at the CSC website approximately two weeks before their examination date.
Examinees may opt to have a print out of their Notice of School Assignment using online for their personal use. If applicants cannot access their ONSA one week before their exam date, they are advised to inquire directly with their CSC Regional or Field Office.
It is also recommended to conduct an ocular visit of their testing venue or room assignments before their exam date to familiarized themselves with the location and route of the school.
Things to bring when taking the Civil Service Exam:
- ID Card – preferable the same ID card presented when you filed your application. Alternately, you may present any of the acceptable ID cards for the civil service exam (IDs must be valid and not expired).
- Health Declaration Form (pre-accomplished not earlier than one day or within 24 hours before the exam day; your temperature will be supplied upon going through thermal scanner on your exam day)
- Vaccination Card (for fully vaccinated applicants)
- Negative RT-PCR / Saliva or Antigen Test Result( for partially vaccinated and unvaccinated applicants)
- Certificate of Consent (only if not submitted during filing of application)
- Black ball pens
- Personal hand sanitizer or alcohol (not more than 100 ml)
Will you take the exam? Share your views at the comments.